Tuesday, February 26, 2008

piaf, candy cane, boosh, ocean

This was a good weekend.

Though Lost Weekend tricked us into desperately yearning for the Mighty Boosh and then cruelly claimed they had no such video. The over-sized candy cane that we found on the walk home afterwards provided some consolation.

Dancing was, as always, a good idea and Leia got a finger-puppet mustache (though I really want that word to be spelled moustache). My new boots are green- huzzah.

The best part of those short few days was, by far, our excursion to the beach. On a day that was half rainy half beautiful and clear, we decided the ocean was calling to us and we had to obey. Dr. X, DanDan, and I got into that tiny car (without even a frisbee!) and hurled ourselves water-ward. When we got there the air was full. The waves crashed in huge, bass-bellowing explosions and the little sand-pipers skedaddled around here and there playing tag with the full foam that pushed itself onto the shore. We drew in the sand, took photos, beheld the sea and, eventually, I took off my new green platypus bills and ran in to touch the water with my toes, only to be drenched (knees down) in the salty brine. I don't remember the last time I felt that good.

I've recently been asked if I am in love. The answer is: yes yes yes. Life is too full and too beautiful for me to not be head-over-heels with it, with the bridge, with the people that ebb and flow around me, with the cracks in the streets, with my cold fingertips, with stuffed peppers, with the knowledge that everything is within grasp as soon as we realize that our arms are made out of expandable rubber, not flesh and bone. All we have to do is learn how to reach.

1 comment:

A Panda said...

Aw, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy just reading about it.