i dreamed last night that i couldn't sleep. talk about bad news- if i'm asleep, i at least want to enjoy it instead of freaking out, thinking that i'm counting sheep when i'm really deep in REM. This is probably one of my favorite songs "what'd you do last night? we did, um, two whole cars..." "the new moon rode high in the crown of the metropolis, shining like 'who on top of this?'" ahhhh,,....so beautiful and perfect and like everything i always figured music should be like- i wonder why- it's not like it's my reality- it's more like it's that dark heart beat that lives in every molecule of me- something gypsy and unknown- lost- shunned- throbbing.
"so much on my mind that i can't recline"
there's a girl in one of my classes that i can't stand and she makes me feel like a bad person because she drives me so crazy- i just wish she'd think sometimes a little more than how much it seems like she thinks.....
"for trees to grow in brooklyn, seeds need to be planted..."